Things Police raided from ex-Pm's "residences", don't trust all the photos circulating on whatsapp.

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The Rakyat Press - Citizen Journalism for a Greater Malaysia

Yesterday nite 17/5/2018, the police conducted large raid at exPm's 3 "residences" and found out all this.. 

All the photos bellow are circulating around WhatsApp's group.. There's some even posted alot of fake photos of bags of USD and watches. 

We will try to validate all the what's real or fake before we posted here at The Rakyat Post. Or if you do have more info, you can pm us, we will get it cover.. 

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Tis one show how heavy the things inside the luggage. Wonder what's inside? 

The result are shocking

Photo bellow are found fake, some one just Google some photos online and posted on Whatsapp group saying its was things that's raided. You can found it by Google "broken safe" 


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