How Often Should You Visit a Singapore Women’s Clinic?

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Many women make the mistake of thinking that visiting a women's clinic is necessary only if they are pregnant or have health conditions. However, regular visits to a women's health clinic in Singapore are crucial to help monitor any changes in your body. But the question is: how often should you do it?

According to health care providers, women ages 21 to 29 should visit the clinic annually. If any symptom arises, they should see their doctors more frequently within the year. Likewise, sexually active women should schedule visit yearly. Those over the age of 30 but are in good health can schedule an appointment with the clinic every other year.

Besides that, if you’re going through certain milestones in your life, you might require special attention from professionals. As such, a trip to the recommended women's clinic Singapore might be what you need.

Before, during, and after pregnancy

If you're planning to grow your family soon, you will need to schedule a visit to your gynaecologist before the conception stage.

Gynaecologists at a Singapore women's clinic can provide the essential pregnancy care you need and help you learn more about ovulation cycles. In addition, they can also instruct you on the necessary steps you need to take to conceive more effectively.

If you have difficulty conceiving, you can book a check-up with your doctor to determine possible problems like infertility, endometriosis, premature menopause, ovulation problems, or PCOS. Early detection and treatment are the keys to avoiding complications in your pregnancy journey.

Once you've successfully conceived, visiting your gynaecologist every month is critical to monitor the development of the fetus. For these reasons, appointments should be scheduled in the following stages:

  • Before or during week 12 of pregnancy

  • Every month until week 28

  • Every two weeks from week 28 to 36

  • Every week from week 36 until delivery

You can coordinate your delivery plans with your gynaecologist to make the birth of your baby more comfortable.

After your delivery, scheduling post-natal visits is vital to track your recovery process. 

Pre- and post-menopause

Usually, women go through menopause after the age of 50. But some women experience this early on during their 40s. 

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility. As you go through this process, your body will undergo several changes, including:

  • Irregular periods

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Weight fluctuations

  • Emotional distress

Though the experience varies for every woman, the changes may become uncomfortable or painful. In such instances, visiting a women's clinic Singapore is essential.

Post-menopause, your body will continue to change, so you still need to continue your regular doctor's visits. In this phase, healthcare providers still recommend getting a pap smear to detect abnormal or pre-cancerous tissues in your cervix. Moreover, if you're encountering vaginal dryness or irritation, checking in with your gynaecologist can help you treat that problem.

Checking for STIs

Another special case that requires a trip to the women's clinic is STIs. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) usually happen to sexually active persons and affect both men and women. However, due to the differences in their biological makeup, some STIs are more common in women than men. 

In some cases, STIs can be asymptomatic, which means those who are infected don’t show symptoms. They can only know for certain if they take an STI test at a women’s clinic. This may include:

  • Oral or genital swab

  • Urine test

  • Blood test

  • Comprehensive physical exam

  • Cell sample swab or discharge swab

Once the STI is confirmed, the healthcare provider can propose treatment options to prevent further health complications

Besides these, when you notice unusual changes in menstruation, body pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and odours, you should not hesitate to contact your doctor. Going for regular appointments is key to keeping your body healthy. 


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