Come register as MOpress Creators to enjoy unlimited benefits! You can make money through content creation on our platform today. It is definitely a good way to get attractive extra pocket money! Furthermore, you also have a chance to develop your career and become a well-known writer who gains high traffic through creating content here!

How to Create An Account ?

You can establish a new account by logging on to and filling in the required information as directed. Our platform encourages you to use your real name as your username since this can help establish your personal branding.

How If I Forgot My Password?

You only need to click [Forgot Password] to reset your password in which you will receive a link in your mailbox for you to change it.

How To Let Administrator Contact You Easily? Applicants must state their real Facebook accounts when filling personal details. Our platform guarantees that your personal information will not be shared with third parties.

Do MOpress Creators Have Ranks? 

Yes, they are categorized as below - 

For promotion in the above ranks, it is mainly based on the following criteria :

  • Quality of Content 

  • Knowledge and Professionalism

  • Frequency of Delivery

You are qualified for a promotion once you have hit a certain point! 



You can decide the price of your article based on your rank and how complicated it is when writing.



1. Unity Is Strength

On MOpress that gathers thousands of like-minded Creators, you can exchange your ideas, thoughts and experiences with one another. This will build a community that is passionate for exploring new things thus creating a platform that aggregates all interesting and sharable content!

2. Good Articles Are Worth Sharing

Good articles should be widely shared! You can get more eyeballs for your articles on our high-traffic platforms! Also, if you share it on your own, you will earn even more money from high pageviews through your initiative! That's why NO SHARE NO GAIN!

3. Write Anytime, Anywhere

Creativity is always limitless. Creators can express their personal thoughts and creative minds through writing for MOpress regardless of time and place they are at! 

4. Pay On Time

All your effort will be paid off on time since MOpress will bank in earnings to Creators every month punctually.   

5. Creativity Is Invaluable

Do you know that MOpress allows different publishers to buy your content so you can multiply your earnings? There is no other platform like MOpress that can maximizes your income!

6. Special Missions Offered From Time To Time 

Accept the missions to write and enjoy benefits from time to time. Creators will be able to earn more money since MOpress always embraces a variety of topics including lifestyle, travel, education, home decor, IT, fashion, finance, property, fintech etc.

What are you still waiting for? Join now!

Create your online career here with MOpress. Who knows you would be the next KOL or KOC which you can get fame and reputation with your talent?


1. What would happen to all of our current articles and current earnings?

All the articles and current earnings will be carried forward to the new platform.

2. What about our bonus for this month and the previous month that wasn’t received?

All bonuses for previous month will be reimbursed this month. Bonus for this month will be reimbursed by April 2020.

Please take note that your bonus is only entitled to content you written and published before 23rd March 7 AM (Malaysia Time).

Contents that you publish or write after 23th 8 AM (Malaysia Time) will be recalculated in the new system in

3. Are there any changes in our article fee?

Yes, there is, you are now entitled to earn more as you rank higher. You can also put the price range you are willing to list in the market and multiple publishers have the option to purchase it. You may find further details here.

4. Would there be any clashes between the missions?

All existing missions you have completed will be carried forward to the new platform in the mission stories published list, however the publisher mission will all be new once we are have done the system upgrade.

5. Do we only earn when someone buys our article? Does that mean that when no one buys our article, we work for no money?

There are 2 main parts to earn money on the new system. 

6. What does FREE, PERFORMANCE and PREMIUM content mean? 

Here’s the definition for the 3 types of stories to publish.

FREE content is where you can just post your content for free on the platform for publisher to buy and in return you get page view as bonus to rank up as a Creator

PERFORMANCE content is where you can post your content for a fee on the platform for publishers and run a KPI-driven incentive based on the CPM.

PREMIUM content is where you can post your content for a fee on the platform for publishers to purchase, however there is no further incentive after.

7. Will the Drafted Story will not be migrated to MOpress?

Yes, story in the draft will be migrated to


There are multiple ways to earn on publishing your story.

  • You can put a price on your article for publisher to purchase as one time off.

  • You can charge your article based on Pageview basis (CPM Rate).

  • You can run a hybrid version for publisher to purchase your article and charge them on Pageview basis too.

  • You can participate in missions published by publisher to get rewarded directly.


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