Empowering the Next Generation: Genpro and 5T3M's Mission to Boost STEM programs

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The Malaysian Ministry of Education reports an upward trend in the number of registered private tutoring centers in Malaysia, reaching 5,512 in 2022 and forecasted to hit 6,000 by the end of 2023. Against this backdrop, Genpro Education Sdn Bhd, a community-based marketing arm with a focus on education and a strong presence in Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Melaka, is teaming up with 5T3M to revolutionize the education landscape in Malaysia.

The expansion of tuition centers is driven by factors such as heightened competition in the education system, escalating living costs, and the accessibility of online tuition. While this growth provides diverse educational support, it also imposes added pressure on students, increases education costs for families, and raises potential concerns about the quality of tuition services.

In response to these challenges, Genpro Education Sdn Bhd and 5T3M are committed to bolstering the capacity of tuition centers to broaden their program offerings, particularly focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

The CEO of Genpro, in a recent statement, announced their ambitious target: "We aim to empower 200 centers and 4,000 students by the end of 2023. By introducing a diverse range of STEM-based programs, we can supplement the traditional academic subjects offered in tuition centers and equip the next generation with the necessary skills in the rapidly evolving digital era."

To facilitate these STEM-based programs and make them accessible and affordable to all students across the country, Genpro and 5T3M will implement advanced digital solutions.

In their quest to foster a healthier learning environment, Genpro and 5T3M also emphasize a shift from rote learning to an emphasis on understanding and application of knowledge. This approach is intended to alleviate the pressure on students and promote a balanced, holistic approach to education.

Genpro and 5T3M believe that this initiative will not only enable tuition centers in Malaysia to meet the growing demand but also contribute to the nationwide endeavor of fostering future-ready individuals.

From Left Shoant Teoh, Mr Soo


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